belt ~ thrifted
tank top ~ gap
skirt ~ thrifted
necklace ~ accessorize
Spending a long, lazy afternoon with one of my best friends is always an amazing thing. Camilla and I have such similar thoughts & minds, which makes talking about anything and everything a breeze because we're very alike. She's also very supportive of my blogging career (which is why she'll have her own mini-column on this blog very soon!). I love her to bits, and her fierce passion for teenage bedrooms has rubbed off on me. Because of her, I've vowed to spend more time and effort redecorating my bedroom, to make it as colourful and vibrant as possible.
During your teenage years, a lot goes on in your bedroom. Be it sleepovers, homework, crying sessions, movie marathons, house parties or simply sleeping; your room ends up being your sanctuary, and to me, its important to decorate it accordingly. The process of decorating has been tedious and slow, yet it has brought me so much unexpected joy. I leafed through years' worth of ancient artifacts which brought me to tears and got a little bit exasperated in the process, but I'm proud of how much I've done, and I'm excited to continue this process. To me, there is no finished stage of a teenage bedroom, because *hairflick,* we as teenagers are infinite and everchanging. We evolve, we break, we heal and we triumph, and therefore its impossible to ever pinpoint a "finished product" in an endlessly dynamic process.
Key features of my room:
-My World Map. This was one of my infamous "spontaneous buys;" I sort of picked it up, felt like it was a good use of $50, and marched to the cash register without giving it a though (note: my spontaneous buys honestly end up being my BEST buys). If you sit cross legged on the ground wrapped in luminous fairy lights like Camilla and I did for hours in my room, you get a perfect view of it. It's so inspiring and breathtaking to roam the entire world in the comfort of your own room, and write lists of places you'd love to go. Best $50 I have ever spent.
.-My Tavi Shrine. While looking through RookieMag, I came across this article about room decorating which I really should have expected since RookieMag is run by Tavi, the queen of awesome bedrooms and anything Virgin-Suicide-y. But yeah, Rookie is awesome and I think every girl, old or young, should read it. My shrine is full of miscellaneous religious items (a mini statue of Virgin Mary, a crucifix, a rosary, etc), tiny perfume bottles, Elnett Hairspray because I think it's super iconic, and a ton of other pink girly items. And Tavi's beautiful face, of course.
-My Desk (and it's surroundings). My desk is normally the messiest place in my room. But it's nice that there are so many windows around my desk, so natural light can come in and I can look into our garden when I'm sick of looking at my textbooks. To enlighten my dark, hellish hours of twilight studying, I've printed off and cut out all my favourite quotes; including those of John Green and Sylvia Plath.
-My "Corner." It's not actually called my corner, I just couldn't think of anything else to call this awkward area of my room. It's covered in Vitamin Water labels because that stuff is my life, as well as assorted magazine covers, one of my favourite sayings ever ("Come, my dear, we have oceans to sail"), a bunch of ocean-y pictures, an oil painting of a beach that we always go to in Thailand done by my Grandma, three champagne bottles because I think they're pretty, a ton of polaroids, and books and magazines. And next to it is a mini-couch thing where I can sit and read by the window and daydream and be whisked away by the enchanting view of my neighbour's hideous garden. And I found some old film negatives, which I used to spell out "Afloat," another favourite word of mine.
-My Camp Shrine/Justin Bieber Wall. Both these elements are in dangerous proximity to my bed (meaning things fall on my head all the time). My Camp Shrine is one of my favourite parts of my room, it's basically a bunch of polaroids I took at dance camp last summer, as well as some camp sayings which I've sharpied onto my old pointe shoe ribbons and stuck up on my wall. And there are ticket stubs and pamphlets and my breakfast card and all sorts of little things that make me remember camp. And the Justin Bieber wall is self explanatory because I love him with all my heart and he will forever remain my most favouritest human being to ever walk this planet.
Okay this was far far too long a post, but I hope you enjoyed it. What are your bedrooms like?
& If you're still interested in furthering your knowledge about teenage bedrooms, click here for a link to a tumblr blog dedicated entirely to publishing submissions of bedrooms from all over the world. And click here for THE PERFECT summary of what a teenage bedroom means, seriously guys click it omg it's so relevant and concise, unlike my writing. Do it.