Saturday, January 12, 2013

exam time (and freja!)

Like a Zac Posen mannequinswathed in luscious folds of fabric (forgive the flowery language - too much English revision!), I’ve been suffocated and submerged into the monotonous universe of the IGCSE mock examinations, consisting primarily of textbooks and highlighters and practice papers and flash cards and all sorts of ugly things, much unlike the glorious world of fashion which I’ve sadly been missing out on. I promise I’ll be back to posting regularly as soon as possible – my mock exams will be over soon! Anyway, to hopefully make up for my lack of content (and to make myself feel a little better about my crappy exams), I’ve attached some of my favorite picturesof my favorite model, Freja Beha Erichsen
…Yes, I did just spend the last hour moochingaround on and digging up old runway pictures of my darling Freja, computer mouse in one hand and tub of Ben and Jerry’s in the other. Suggestions to help me lift my poopy spirits and make my equation-filled life a little more exciting while I pore over textbooks for hours a day are most welcome.


  1. Oh, I love Freja! She always looks effortless!

  2. You should check out my last post called "Pursuit of Happiness". In the post I talk about how stress of junior year has overcome my life and my pursuit of happiness is me figuring out how to deal with all the stress. Its an outfit of the day post as well:)

  3. Hahah, I love flowery language. It's just so much more exciting. :)
    And oh wow, her outfits look great.

    X i x i a ❥

  4. wow , so beautiful outfits. love them
