Wednesday, September 25, 2013

september's lovely links!

1. Thought Catalog: 25 Wise, Philosophical Quotes From Disney Movies.
Sometimes we are far too absorbed in abstract, convoluted fragments of "wisdom" from ancient generations to look closely enough at more recent figures of influence for snippets to live life by. Not that this is always a bad thing because it isn't, but there's a lot of wisdom in more modern culture if we seek it. The best example of a fairly recent inspiration I can think of is Walt Disney, who shaped a lot of our childhoods and taught us the building blocks of loyalty, love and life. I was so excited to have stumbled across this Thought Catalog article, as it combines two of my favorite things: quotes and Disney movies! Check the article out here.
(image credit)

2. Jimmy Kimmel Live: Lie Witness News - NYFW 2013
This is seriously the biggest laugh of the (fashion) season; while we fashion people try and dodge the stereotypes of being superficial, materialistic and unintelligent (not everyone in fashion has those characteristics okay!), this is a hysterical example of the exceptions to that statement. Watch flamboyantly dressed wannabes elaborate enthusiastically about designers who don't even exist, believe that a designer sent a male model donning watermelon headgear down the runway and hop around in excitement over this season's "uniboot." Click through for big fashion laughs!

 3. ZDNet: Four Privacy Settings You Should Enable in iOS7 Immediately
A helpful link for all the excited and not-so-excited (I fit into the latter category) iOS7 converts to maintain their privacy on the iPhone's new software. Four easy steps that'll take you hardly any time at all and will save you further fuss in the future! I'm still not a fan of the Google-esque knockoff appearance of iOS7 though. I'm resisting the switch until it's absolutely necessary!

If you haven't ever shamelessly rolled out a yoga mat in your bedroom and worked out with the absolute goddess of a ball of energy that is Cassey Ho, I don't know where you've been. This powerhouse of a woman will become your free-of-charge personal trainer and will motivate you to work hard, stay strong, eat clean and get that dream body (I love her to death and I haven't ever met her). She's charismatic and a whole lot of fun, and the best part is that everyone has access to her amazing expertise for free! So go ahead and watch her YouTube videos, cook up some of her Cheap Clean Eats in the kitchen, download her app and print out her workouts - I promise you won't regret it!

5. The Quiet Place
There isn't much that needs to be said about this website, other than the fact that it's probably the most worthwhile website that has ever captured my attention and time. Take some time out of your busy day to give this website a shot, and I promise it will be the most wonderful, refreshing experience. 

+ In case you guys haven't heard, seven inch stilettos has a new bi-monthly segment, humbly entitled "lovely links," which does just that: provides you with five interesting, thought provoking and often amusing articles, videos and images from around the web (not necessarily related to fashion). Read July's segment here and stay tuned for November's lovely links!


  1. i see disney princesses! yay!


  2. Wow, this is an amazing post! I love disney quotes, they are flawless. I'm off to watch the youtube videos now, I think they will make me giggle :)
